Hangfire 1.8.11


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Incredibly easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs in .NET applications. CPU and I/O intensive, long-running and short-running jobs are supported. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure and MSMQ.

Hangfire provides a unified programming model to handle background tasks in a reliable way and run them on shared hosting, dedicated hosting or in cloud. You can start with a simple setup and grow computational power for background jobs with time for these scenarios:

  • mass notifications/newsletters
  • batch import from xml, csv or json
  • creation of archives
  • firing off web hooks
  • deleting users
  • building different graphs
  • image/video processing
  • purging temporary files
  • recurring automated reports
  • database maintenance
  • …and so on

Hangfire is a .NET alternative to Resque, Sidekiq, delayed_job, Celery.

Hangfire Dashboard


Hangfire is available as a NuGet package. You can install it using the NuGet Package Console window:

PM> Install-Package Hangfire

After installation, update your existing OWIN Startup file with the following lines of code. If you do not have this class in your project or don't know what is it, please read the Quick start guide to learn about how to install Hangfire.

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseSqlServerStorage("<connection string or its name>");


This is an incomplete list of features; to see all of them, check the official site and the documentation.

Fire-and-forget tasks

Dedicated worker pool threads execute queued background jobs as soon as possible, shortening your request's processing time.

BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Simple!"));

Delayed tasks

Scheduled background jobs are executed only after a given amount of time.

BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine("Reliable!"), TimeSpan.FromDays(7));

Recurring tasks

Recurring jobs have never been simpler; just call the following method to perform any kind of recurring task using the CRON expressions.

RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => Console.WriteLine("Transparent!"), Cron.Daily);


Continuations allow you to define complex workflows by chaining multiple background jobs together.

var id = BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello, "));
BackgroundJob.ContinueWith(id, () => Console.WriteLine("world!"));

Process background tasks inside a web application…

You can process background tasks in any OWIN-compatible application framework, including ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, FubuMvc, Nancy, etc. Forget about AppDomain unloads, Web Garden & Web Farm issues – Hangfire is reliable for web applications from scratch, even on shared hosting.


… or anywhere else

In console applications, Windows Service, Azure Worker Role, etc.

using (new BackgroundJobServer())
    Console.WriteLine("Hangfire Server started. Press ENTER to exit...");

Questions? Problems?

Open-source projects develop more smoothly when discussions are public.

If you have any questions, problems related to Hangfire usage or if you want to discuss new features, please visit the discussion forum. You can sign in there using your existing Google or GitHub account, so it's very simple to start using it.

If you've discovered a bug, please report it to the Hangfire GitHub Issues. Detailed reports with stack traces, actual and expected behaviours are welcome.

Please see the Extensions page on the official site.

Building the sources


  • Razor Generator: Required if you intend to edit the cshtml files.
  • Install the MSMQ service (Microsoft Message Queue Server), if not already installed.

Then, create an environment variable with Variable name Hangfire_SqlServer_ConnectionStringTemplate and put your connection string in the Variable value field. Example:

  • Variable name: Hangfire_SqlServer_ConnectionStringTemplate
  • Variable value: Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Hangfire.SqlServer.Tests;Integrated Security=True;

To build a solution and get assembly files, just run the following command. All build artifacts, including *.pdb files, will be placed into the build folder. Before proposing a pull request, please use this command to ensure everything is ok. Btw, you can execute this command from the Package Manager Console window.


To build NuGet packages as well as an archive file, use the pack command as shown below. You can find the result files in the build folder.

build pack

To see the full list of available commands, pass the -docs switch:

build -docs

Hangfire uses psake build automation tool. All psake tasks and functions defined in psake-build.ps1 (for this project) and psake-common.ps1 (for other Hangfire projects) files. Thanks to the psake project, they are very simple to use and modify!

Razor templates are compiled upon save with the Razor Generator Visual Studio extension. You will need this installed if you want to modify the Dashboard UI.

Reporting security issues

In order to give the community time to respond and upgrade we strongly urge you report all security issues privately. Please email us at security@hangfire.io with details and we will respond ASAP. Security issues always take precedence over bug fixes and feature work. We can and do mark releases as "urgent" if they contain serious security fixes.


Copyright © 2013-2024 Hangfire OÜ.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

By submitting a Pull Request, you disavow any rights or claims to any changes submitted to the Hangfire project and assign the copyright of those changes to Hangfire OÜ.

If you cannot or do not want to reassign those rights (your employment contract for your employer may not allow this), you should not submit a PR. Open an issue and someone else can do the work.

This is a legal way of saying "If you submit a PR to us, that code becomes ours". 99.9% of the time that's what you intend anyways; we hope it doesn't scare you away from contributing.

No packages depend on Hangfire.

Release notes are available in our blog https://www.hangfire.io/blog/ Please see https://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/upgrade-guides/upgrading-to-hangfire-1.8.html to learn how to upgrade. 1.8.11 Hangfire.Core • Changed – Add icons and fix metadata for NuGet packages. • Changed – Bump ILRepack to version 2.0.27 to avoid problems with internalizing. • Fixed – "Type exists in both Cronos and Hangfire.Core" exception. 1.8.10 Hangfire.Core • Changed – Added Norwegian translations for new keys (by @khellang). • Changed – Update Brazilian Portuguese translation (by @HugoAlames). • Changed – Bump Cronos dependency to version 0.8.3. Hangfire.AspNetCore • Fixed – Don't check `HasStarted` in `Response.WriteAsync` to avoid breaking dispatchers. Hangfire.SqlServer • Changed – Bump Dapper for the `netstandard2.0` platform to version 2.1.28. • Changed – Bump Dapper for `net451` and `netstandard1.3` platforms to version 1.60.6. Hangfire.Core, Hangfire.NetCore, Hangfire.AspNetCore, Hangfire.SqlServer, Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq • Project – Enable NuGet package and DLL signing with a company certificate. • Project – Require NuGet package signature validation on restore for dependencies. • Project – Add `HangfireIO` as a package owner. 1.8.9 Hangfire.Core • Changed – Use `Environment.MachineName` as a server name if other environment vars aren't available. • Changed – Bump the Cronos package version from 0.7.1 to 0.8.1. • Changed – Improve portuguese translations (by @filipe-silva). • Fixed – Possible `NullReferenceException` on the Deleted Jobs page (regression from 1.8.7). • Project – Enable full source link support with embedded symbols and repository-based sources. • Project – Enable repeatable package restore using a lock file. • Project – Run unit tests against the `net6.0` platform. • Project – Modernise the build system and clean up the build scripts. Hangfire.SqlServer • Project – Enable full source link support with embedded symbols and repository-based sources. • Project – Enable repeatable package restore using a lock file. • Project – Run unit tests against the `net6.0` platform. Hangfire.NetCore • Project – Enable full source link support with embedded symbols and repository-based sources. • Project – Enable repeatable package restore using a lock file. Hangfire.AspNetCore • Fixed – Don't attempt to write response headers when response has already started (by @maliming). • Project – Enable full source link support with embedded symbols and repository-based sources. • Project – Enable repeatable package restore using a lock file. 1.8.7 Hangfire.Core • Added – Allow using macro expressions like `@hourly` for recurring jobs (by @MuhamedAbdalla). • Added – Show storage time in page footer when supported by storage implementation. • Added – Show duration and latency columns separately on the Succeeded Jobs page when supported. • Added – Show the exception column on the Deleted Jobs page when available and supported by storage. • Changed – Reduce package size by stripping unnecessary locales in Moment.js. • Changed – Bump Microsoft.Owin package to version 4.2.2. • Changed – Log a warning message when a server listens to unsupported queue names (by @MuhamedAbdalla). • Changed – Use storage time, if available, to show delay warnings in the Dashboard UI. • Fixed – Proper rendering of generic arguments on the Job Details page (by @olivermue). • Fixed – Language inconsistency in the Dashboard UI related to date/time description. • Fixed – Big stack traces take too long time to be formatted. • Fixed – Don't throw `NullReferenceException` from the Scheduled Jobs page when there's a job with missing data. • Fixed – Don't throw `NullReferenceException` from the Processing Jobs page when there's a job with missing data. • Fixed – CSS for Enqueued and Deleted state cards in dark theme. • Fixed – Log errors instead of throwing an exception when a particular table can't be cleaned. • Fixed – Avoid logging fatal exceptions when stopping a faulting background process. • Fixed – Don't display checkboxes in the Dashboard UI when job details can not be fetched. • Fixed – Scrollbars in WebKit-based browsers are now dark in dark mode. • Project – Disable tests for `netcoreapp1.0` and `netcoreapp2.1` targets since they aren't supported in AppVeyor. • Project – Add a `net6.0` target for unit tests instead of the removed ones. • Project – Modernise projects and build environments to use the newest features. Hangfire.SqlServer • Changed – Avoid throwing an exception when a connection string has duplicate property names. • Project – Disable tests for `netcoreapp1.0` and `netcoreapp2.1` targets since they aren't supported in AppVeyor. • Project – Add a `net6.0` target for unit tests instead of the removed ones. • Project – Modernise projects and build environments to use the newest features. 1.8.6 • Changed – Update jQuery library in Dashboard UI to version 3.7.1. • Changed – Mark all types in Hangfire.Annotations with `EditorBrowsableAttribute(Never)`. • Changed – Change state card colors for the Awaiting state to match the Scheduled state. • Fixed – Exception when deserializing an instance of the `AutomaticRetryAttribute` class from JSON. • Fixed – Add serialization-related constructors for all the exception classes. • Fixed – Use invariant culture or ordinal comparisons for internal strings. • Fixed – Use invariant culture when formatting key names for metrics. • Fixed – Use `CurrentCulture` instead of `CurrentUICulture` when displaying time. • Project – Enable running static analysis by Coverity Scan weekly. • Project – Enable mandatory static analysis by the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers package. • Project – Change MSBuild path when building using newer .NET SDKs for Razor views. Hangfire.SqlServer • Fixed – Exception in Dashboard UI when schema version is not present in a database. • Fixed – `DbCommand` resource leak when releasing a lock detected by static analysis. • Fixed – Don't add SQL Server-related metrics multiple times in Dashboard UI. Hangfire.NetCore • Fixed – Include assembly information to the Hangfire.NetCore assembly. 1.8.5 Hangfire.Core • Added – Possibility to inform a `FaviconPath` on `DashboardOptions` (by @cezar-pimentel). • Fixed – Inability to restore a disabled recurring job, regression in version 1.8.3. • Fixed – Make it possible to serialize the `AutomaticRetryAttribute` filter to JSON. Hangfire.SqlServer • Fixed – "Query processor could not produce a query plan" when removing expired counters in `Schema 5`. 1.8.4 Hangfire.Core • Added – Pass server id from a worker to the `PerformContext.ServerId` property available in filters. • Fixed – Send heartbeats until full background processing server shutdown. Hangfire.NetCore • Changed – Send the stop signal earlier in the shutdown pipeline when hosting in .NET Core 3.1 or higher. • Changed – Set processing server to null in hosted service to avoid `ObjectDisposedException`. • Fixed – Other `IHostedService` implementations can block Hangfire server from being stopped. 1.8.3 Hangfire.Core • Changed – Allow to configure `MaxLinesInStackTrace` for a particular `FailedState` instance. • Fixed – Remove job id from schedule when it's not in the Scheduled state for some reason. • Fixed – Missing invocations of recurring jobs when the new "Ignorable" option is used. • Fixed – Make `DisableConcurrentExecutionAttribute` and `LatencyTimeoutAttribute` serializable. 1.8.2 Hangfire.Core • Changed – Disable transactional job creation feature appeared in 1.8.0. • Fixed – "Can not start continuation XXX" error when storage supports transactional job creation. Hangfire.SqlServer • Fixed – `InvalidOperationException` with new dashboard metrics when a database has multiple data/log files. 1.8.1 Hangfire.Core • Added – `MisfireHandlingMode.Ignorable` to avoid scheduling recurring jobs on missed schedules. • Added – Support disabling dark mode via the `DashboardOptions.DarkModeEnabled` property. • Changed – Remove the 1-hour limitation for the `WithJobExpirationTimeout` configuration method. • Fixed – Add missing `UseDefaultCulture` configuration method overloads. • Fixed – Add missing `UseDashboardStylesheet` and `UseJobDetailsRenderer` configuration methods. • Fixed – Give even more space for identifiers on the Recurring Jobs page. • Fixed – `state-card-state-active` color is not very dark (by @coolhome). • Fixed – Slightly change chart proportions to fit 4K in Dashboard UI. Hangfire.SqlServer • Fixed – Blocked workers regression since 1.7.33 when using multiple servers inside a process. • Fixed – Target schema version is less than the current schema version error. • Fixed – Implement database metrics without the need for additional permissions. • Fixed – Use the `forceseek` table hint whenever possible to avoid performance drops. Hangfire.NetCore • Fixed – Add `net461` target for Hangfire.NetCore package to avoid missing method exceptions. 1.8.0 Hangfire.Core • Breaking – Dropped the `NET45` platform target in favor of the `NET451` target to support Visual Studio 2022. • Added – Introduce the `Job.Queue` property, so jobs now can have their own queue specified. • Added – Method overloads to create background jobs directly with a custom default queue. • Added – Method overloads to create recurring jobs directly with a custom default queue. • Added – `IBackgroundJobClient.Create` method overloads with the new `queue` parameter. • Added – Allow to filter exception types in `AutomaticRetryAttribute` by using the new `OnlyOn` property. • Added – `DeletedState` now has the persisted `Exception` property populated after a failure. • Added – `JobContinuationOptions.OnlyOnDeletedState` to create continuations after a failure. • Added – `Exception` job parameter is passed to continuation when `UseResultsInContinuations` method is used. • Added – `FromExceptionAttribute` to deal with an antecedent exception in a background job continuation. • Added – Make it possible to specify multiple `JobContinuationOptions` values for a continuation. • Added – `BackgroundJobServerOptions.IsLightweightServer` option to run a server with no storage processes. • Added – Ability to use custom formattable resource identifiers for the `DisableConcurrentExecution` filter. • Added – Pass `ServerId` to `FailedState` instances to simplify the debugging on different servers. • Added – Allow to pass job parameters when creating a job (by @brian-knoll-micronetonline). • Added – `MisfireHandlingMode.Strict` to create a job for each missed recurring job occurrence. • Added – Support for default culture and UI culture via the `UseDefaultCulture` configuration method. • Added – Introduce the `captureDefault` parameter in the `CaptureCulture` filter. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseFilterProvider` extension method to unify the configuration. • Added – Built-in `Remove` method for `JobFilterCollection` to remove global filters based on their type. • Added – `CompatibilityLevel.Version_180` flag to avoid storing culture parameters when they are the same as the default ones. • Changed – Create job atomically when `Transaction.CreateJob` feature is supported by the storage. • Changed – Query time from storage in recurring and delayed schedulers when supported by storage. • Changed – Move job to the `DeletedState` instead of `SucceededState` when its invocation was canceled by a filter. • Changed – Speedup delayed jobs when a custom default queue is specified by avoiding extra state transition. • Changed – Use UI culture from `CurrentCulture` parameter when `CurrentUICulture` one is missing. • Changed – Increase the default value for the `BackgroundJobServerOptions.StopTimeout` to 500 ms. • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` overloads with optional params defined in the `RecurringJobManagerExtensions` class. • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` overloads with optional parameters defined in the `RecurringJob` class. • Deprecated – `AddOrUpdate` method overloads with no `recurringJobId` parameter. • Deprecated – `RecurringJobOptions.QueueName` property, new methods should be used instead. • Breaking – Dropped `NET45` platform target in favor of `NET451` target to support Visual Studio 2022. Dashboard UI • Added – Dark mode support for Dashboard UI depending on the system settings (by @danillewin). • Added – Dashboard UI now has a full-width layout to display more data (by @danillewin). • Added – Allow to add custom JavaScript and CSS files to the Dashboard UI via the `DashboardRoutes` class. • Added – `DefaultRecordsPerPage` property on the `DashboardOptions` class (by @PaulARoy). • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseJobDetailsRenderer` method for custom renderers for the Job Details page. • Added – Display deleted jobs in the Realtime and History graphs when supported by storage. • Added – `IGlobalConfiguration.UseDashboardMetrics` extension method to pass multiple metrics at once. • Added – State renderer for the `DeletedState` to display its new exception property. • Added – Support for new `MonitoringApi` methods for the Awaiting Jobs page. • Changed – Make it possible to display methods of non-loaded jobs in the Dashboard UI when supported by storage. • Changed – Improved display of realtime chart with more accents on failed and deleted jobs. • Changed – Don't display the queue name in the state transition list when it's the `default` one. • Changed – Display scheduled job count when the enqueued count is zero on the main metric. Extensibility • Added – `Factory`, `StateMachine`, and `Performer` properties to context classes to avoid injecting services. • Added – Allow to pass custom data to `ApplyStateContext` and `ElectStateContext` instances. • Added – Preserve custom data dictionary between the entire filter chain. • Added – Allow to pass a transaction to background job state changer when new methods are implemented. • Changed – Ignore some members when serializing a `JobFilterAttribute` instance to decrease the payload size. Storage • Added – Virtual `JobStorage.GetReadOnlyConnection` method intended to return `JobStorageConnection` for replicas. • Added – Virtual `JobStorage.HasFeature` method for querying optional features. • Added – The `JobStorageFeatures` class to avoid using magic strings in storage features. • Added – Optional `GetSetCount`, `GetSetContains`, and `GetUtcDateTime` methods for the `JobStorageConnection` class. • Added – Optional `AcquireDistributedLock` and `RemoveFromQueue` methods for the `JobStorageTransaction` class. • Added – Optional `CreateJob` and `SetJobParameter` methods for the `JobStorageTransaction` class. • Added – Optional `ParametersSnapshot` property for `BackgroundJob` and `JobData` classes to minimize roundtrips in the future. • Added – Support for transactional acknowledgment using a new storage method for better handling some data loss scenarios. • Added – Fetch `Retries` and `Awaiting` metrics in `StatisticsDto` properties when supported by storage. • Added – The `JobStorageMonitor` class with more available methods for the new features. • Changed – Allow to query job parameters without additional roundtrip when supported by storage. • Changed – Expose state data dictionaries in list DTOs when supported by storage. • Changed – Rely on storage indexing with the `Monitoring.AwaitingJobs` feature. Internals • Added – `IBackgroundProcess.UseBackgroundPool` now allows to pass thread configuration logic. • Added – `BackgroundJobServerOptions.WorkerThreadConfigurationAction` option for custom thread configuration. • Changed – Allow changing queues on the fly with custom worker configuration. • Changed – Avoid storage roundtrip to query job data in worker, take data from previous state change. • Changed – `FromParameterAttribute`-based logic now always overwrites arguments, even with non-null values. • Changed – Turn the `JobContinuationOptions` enum into flags while still possible. • Changed – Re-implement `TaskExtensions.WaitOneAsync` only with the `RegisterWaitForSingleObject` method. • Changed – `ServerHeartbeatProcess` now uses `ThreadPriority.AboveNormal` to prioritize heartbeats. Hangfire.NetCore • Added – `IApplicationBuilder.UseHangfireServer` that accepts custom factory for `IBackgroundProcessingServer`. • Added – `net451` and `netstandard1.3` targets for the package. • Changed – Use `netstandard2.1` target instead of `netcoreapp3.0` for the package. • Changed – Send the "stop" signal earlier when the host supports .NET Standard 2.1. • Changed – Don't throw `ObjectDisposedException` when hosted service is disposed twice. Hangfire.AspNetCore • Breaking – Make the package to be dependent on Hangfire.NetCore and use the same types. • Added – `IApplicationBuilder.UseHangfireServer` that accepts custom factory for `IBackgroundProcessingServer`. Hangfire.SqlServer • Breaking – Prioritise Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package over System.Data.SqlClient one. • Breaking – Dropped the `NET45` platform target in favor of the `NET451` target to support Visual Studio 2022. • Added – `Schema 8` migration with fixed `JobQueue.Id` column to use the `bigint` type. • Added – `Schema 9` migration that creates an index for the `State.CreatedAt` column. • Added – Automatic client package detection based on available types, preferring `System.Data.SqlClient` (by @0xced). • Added – `SqlServerStorageOptions.DbProviderFactory` option to use a custom provider factory. • Added – Clean up of old state entries of a non-finished job when `InactiveStateExpirationTimeout` is set. • Added – `TryAutoDetectSchemaDependentOptions` option to automatically enable options based on the schema. • Added – Optional experimental transactional acknowledge for SQL Server (`UseTransactionalAcknowledge` option). • Added – Implement the `Connection.GetUtcDateTime` feature to make work the new changes in schedulers. • Added – `SqlServerStorage.SchemaVersion` metric for Dashboard UI. • Added – `DefaultQueueProvider` option to specify a custom default queue provider. • Changed – Remove dependency on System.Data.SqlClient for Hangfire.SqlServer (by @0xced). • Changed – Set default value for the `QueuePollInterval` option to `TimeSpan.Zero`. • Changed – Polling delay when `QueuePollInterval` is set to zero now defaults to 200 ms. • Changed – Sliding invisibility timeout-based fetching method is now used by default with a 5-minute timeout. • Changed – Use command batching by default with a 5-minute maximum timeout. • Changed – Enable the `UseRecommendedIsolationLevel` option by default. • Changed – `GetJobData` now populates the `JobData.ParametersSnapshot` property to avoid additional roundtrips. • Changed – Display scheduled and processing jobs in ascending order in Dashboard UI. • Changed – Implement the `Transaction.AcquireDistributedLock` feature. • Changed – Implement the `GetSetCount.Limited feature`. • Changed – Implement the `GetSetContains feature`. • Changed – Bump the internal version of Dapper to 2.0.123. • Changed – Enable common metrics for SQL Server storage to be shown by default. • Changed – Enable the `Monitoring.AwaitingJobs` feature for SQL storage. • Deprecated – `UsePageLocksOnDequeue` option is now obsolete and doesn't affect anything. Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq • Breaking – Dropped the `NET45` platform target in favor of the `NET451` target to support Visual Studio 2022.

.NET Framework 4.5.1

.NET Standard 1.3

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.8.14 0 06/11/2024
1.8.12 0 04/03/2024
1.8.11 1 03/02/2024
1.8.10 1 03/16/2024
1.8.9 1 03/13/2024
1.8.7 1 03/16/2024
1.8.6 2 11/28/2023
1.8.5 0 08/11/2023
1.8.4 2 03/13/2024
1.8.3 2 03/13/2024
1.8.2 1 03/14/2024
1.8.1 1 03/13/2024
1.8.0 1 03/16/2024
1.7.37 0 04/08/2024
1.7.36 1 03/17/2024
1.7.35 1 03/17/2024
1.7.34 1 03/17/2024
1.7.33 1 03/17/2024
1.7.32 1 03/17/2024
1.7.31 1 03/17/2024
1.7.30 1 03/18/2024
1.7.29 2 03/17/2024
1.7.28 1 03/27/2024
1.7.27 1 03/18/2024
1.7.26 1 03/16/2024
1.7.25 1 03/17/2024
1.7.24 1 03/16/2024
1.7.23 1 03/18/2024
1.7.22 1 03/16/2024
1.7.21 1 03/16/2024
1.7.20 1 03/17/2024
1.7.19 1 03/17/2024
1.7.18 1 03/17/2024
1.7.17 2 03/17/2024
1.7.16 1 03/17/2024
1.7.15 2 03/17/2024
1.7.14 1 03/17/2024
1.7.13 1 03/16/2024
1.7.12 2 03/17/2024
1.7.11 1 03/16/2024
1.7.10 1 03/16/2024
1.7.9 2 03/14/2024
1.7.8 1 03/16/2024
1.7.7 1 03/16/2024
1.7.6 1 03/16/2024
1.7.5 1 03/16/2024
1.7.4 1 03/17/2024
1.7.3 1 03/16/2024
1.7.2 1 03/14/2024
1.7.1 2 03/14/2024
1.7.0 1 03/17/2024
1.6.30 2 03/18/2024
1.6.29 1 03/17/2024
1.6.28 1 03/17/2024
1.6.27 1 03/17/2024
1.6.26 1 03/13/2024
1.6.25 2 03/17/2024
1.6.24 1 03/17/2024
1.6.23 1 03/18/2024
1.6.22 2 03/17/2024
1.6.21 1 03/13/2024
1.6.20 1 03/18/2024
1.6.19 2 03/17/2024
1.6.18 2 03/14/2024
1.6.17 1 03/16/2024
1.6.16 1 03/16/2024
1.6.15 1 03/16/2024
1.6.14 1 03/16/2024
1.6.13 2 03/17/2024
1.6.12 2 03/16/2024
1.6.11 2 03/26/2024
1.6.10 1 03/17/2024
1.6.9 1 03/14/2024
1.6.8 2 03/16/2024
1.6.7 1 03/16/2024
1.6.6 1 03/16/2024
1.6.5 1 03/16/2024
1.6.4 1 03/17/2024
1.6.3 1 03/14/2024
1.6.2 1 03/13/2024
1.6.1 2 03/13/2024
1.6.0 1 03/17/2024
1.5.9 1 03/22/2024
1.5.8 1 03/17/2024
1.5.7 1 03/17/2024
1.5.6 1 03/17/2024
1.5.5 2 03/17/2024
1.5.4 1 03/16/2024
1.5.3 1 03/13/2024
1.5.2 2 03/16/2024
1.5.1 3 03/27/2024
1.5.0 1 03/13/2024
1.4.7 1 03/14/2024
1.4.6 1 03/14/2024
1.4.5 1 03/16/2024
1.4.4 1 03/17/2024
1.4.3 1 03/17/2024
1.4.2 1 03/16/2024
1.4.1 1 03/13/2024
1.3.4 1 03/14/2024
1.3.3 1 03/14/2024
1.3.2 1 03/14/2024
1.3.1 1 03/18/2024
1.3.0 1 03/17/2024
1.2.2 1 03/17/2024
1.2.1 1 03/17/2024
1.2.0 1 03/14/2024
1.1.1 1 03/14/2024
1.1.0 1 03/14/2024
1.0.2 1 03/16/2024
1.0.1 1 03/18/2024
1.0.0 2 03/18/2024
0.9.1 1 03/18/2024
0.9.0 1 03/18/2024
0.8.3 1 03/18/2024
0.8.2 1 03/18/2024
0.8.1 1 03/18/2024
0.8.0 1 03/19/2024
0.7.5 1 03/18/2024
0.7.4 2 03/18/2024
0.7.3 1 03/18/2024
0.7.2 1 03/17/2024
0.7.1 1 03/16/2024
0.7.0 1 03/18/2024
0.6.2 1 03/16/2024
0.6.1 1 03/16/2024
0.6.0 1 03/17/2024
0.5.2 1 03/17/2024
0.5.1 1 03/18/2024
0.5.0 1 03/17/2024