Castle.Windsor 2.1.1

Castle Project offers two Inversion of Control Containers. The MicroKernel and the Windsor Container. The Castle MicroKernel is an inversion of control container that was designed towards extensibility. It combines facilities to grow orthogonally. These facilities work side-by-side, without interfering or depending on each other, to allow you to easily extend the container functionality by plugging in new concerns and semantics. Castle Windsor aggregates the MicroKernel and exposes a powerful configuration support. It is suitable for common enterprise application needs. It is able to register facilities and components based on the configuration and adds support for interceptors.

No packages depend on Castle.Windsor.

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Version Downloads Last updated
6.0.0 3 03/01/2024
5.1.2 3 03/03/2024
5.1.1 3 11/04/2023
5.1.0 3 03/02/2024
5.1.0-beta001 1 03/03/2024
5.0.1 3 03/03/2024
5.0.0 2 03/17/2024
5.0.0-beta001 1 03/02/2024
4.1.1 2 05/23/2024
4.1.0 2 03/16/2024
4.0.0 4 09/12/2023
3.4.0 1 03/16/2024
3.3.0 2 03/16/2024
3.2.1 3 03/03/2024
3.2.0 3 03/03/2024
3.1.0 3 03/02/2024
3.1.0-RC 2 03/18/2024 1 03/16/2024 1 03/17/2024 2 03/18/2024
2.5.4 3 03/03/2024
2.5.3 3 11/01/2023
2.5.2 3 03/06/2024
2.5.1 3 03/03/2024
2.1.1 3 03/03/2024
2.0.0 1 03/14/2024