by: Microsoft
- 23 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.7.1
MSTest is Microsoft supported Test Framework.
This package includes code analyzers and code fixes for MSTest.
by: Microsoft
- 188 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.7.1
MSTest is Microsoft supported Test Framework.
This package includes the adapter logic to discover and run tests. For access to the testing framework, install the MSTest.TestFramework package.
Supported platforms:
- .NET 4.6.2+
- .NET Core 3.1+
- .NET 6.0
- .NET 6.0 Windows.18362+
- UWP 10.0.16299
by: Microsoft
- 218 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.7.1
MSTest is Microsoft supported Test Framework.
This package includes the libraries for writing tests with MSTest. To ensure discovery and execution of your tests, install the MSTest.TestAdapter package.
Supported platforms:
- .NET 4.6.2+
- .NET Core 3.1+
- .NET 6.0
- .NET 6.0 Windows.18362+
- UWP 10.0.16299
by: Maarten Balliauw Shad Storhaug
- 101 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.6.22
This is the main package that contains the full installation of MvcSiteMapProvider using its internal DI container. Install this package into your client MVC5 projects.
by: Maarten Balliauw Shad Storhaug
- 203 total downloads
- Latest version: 4.6.26
This project contains extra configuration that is required by MvcSiteMapProvider during installation into a Web project as well as a starting point for XML configuration of the provider. This package is a dependency that is automatically installed with many of the MvcSiteMapProvider packages and you will generally not need to install this package by itself.
by: Oracle Corporation
- 92 total downloads
- Latest version: 9.2.0
MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
by: Bradley Grainger
- 504 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.4.0
A truly async MySQL ADO.NET provider, supporting MySQL Server, MariaDB, Amazon Aurora, Azure Database for MySQL, Google Cloud SQL, and more.
by: Namotion.Reflection
- 119 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.2.0
.NET library with advanced reflection APIs like XML documentation reading, Null Reference Types (C# 8) reflection and string based type checks.
by: Andreas Håkansson Steven Robbins and contributors
- 14 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.0
Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ceremony approach to building light, fast web applications.
by: Rico Suter
- 32 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.12.6605.26941
NConsole is a .NET library to parse command line arguments and execute commands.
by: Atif Aziz
- 7 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.3.0
NCrontab is crontab for all .NET runtimes supported by .NET Standard 1.0. It provides parsing and formatting of crontab expressions as well as calculation of occurrences of time based on a schedule expressed in the crontab format.
by: Atif Aziz
- 8 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.3.3
NCrontab is crontab for all .NET runtimes supported by .NET Standard 1.0. It provides parsing and formatting of crontab expressions as well as calculation of occurrences of time based on a schedule expressed in the crontab format.
by: Andrew Arnott
- 346 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.7.115
Stamps your assemblies with semver 2.0 compliant git commit specific version information and provides NuGet versioning information as well.
by: Andrew Arnott
- 311 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.11.79
Streams for full duplex in-proc communication, wrap a WebSocket, split a stream into multiple channels, etc.
by: Manuel Bleichenbacher Project Nayuki
- 28 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.5
QR Code Generator for .NET – simple, compact and with many examples.
Core features:
- Supports encoding all 40 versions (sizes) and all 4 error correction levels, as per the QR Code Model 2 standard
- Output formats: Raw modules/pixels of the QR symbol, SVG and XAML path (for raster bitmap / PNG see project home page), BMP bitmap
- Encodes numeric and special-alphanumeric text in less space than general text
- Open source code under the permissive MIT License
- Significantly shorter code but more documentation compared to competing libraries
- Built for .NET Standard 2.0 and therefore runs on most modern .NET platforms (.NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono etc.).
- Derived from tried and tested implementation by project Nayuki
Manual parameters:
- You can specify the minimum and maximum version number allowed, and the library will automatically choose the smallest version in the range that fits the data.
- You can specify the mask pattern manually, otherwise library will automatically evaluate all 8 masks and select the optimal one.
- You can specify an error correction level, or optionally allow the library to boost it if it doesn't increase the version number.
- You can create a list of data segments manually and add ECI segments.
Optional advanced features:
- Encodes Japanese Unicode text in Kanji mode to save a lot of space compared to UTF-8 bytes
- Computes optimal segment mode switching for text with mixed numeric/alphanumeric/general/kanji parts
by: Lvcc
- 21 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.2
MailKit extension for core. Easy send email in core project.
by: NetEscapades.Configuration.Yaml
- 52 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.1.0
YAML configuration provider implementation to use with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
by: Microsoft
- 400 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.3
A set of standard .NET APIs that are prescribed to be used and supported together.
When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
by: NetTopologySuite - Team
- 170 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.5.0
The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification.
by: NetTopologySuite - Team
- 12 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.15.3
The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification.
This package references GeoAPI.
by: NetTopologySuite - Team
- 10 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.15.3
The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification.
This package references GeoAPI.