by: Microsoft
- 5 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.0-beta2
The K Runtime Environment for Desktop CLR x86
by: Microsoft
- 7 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.0-beta2
The K Runtime Environment for CoreCLR x86
by: Magnus Edenhill edenhill
- 364 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.3.0
The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library - redistributable
by: Libuv
- 21 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.10.0
Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O.
by: Muhammad Azeez and Gerardo Lijs
- 13 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.3.3
Runner to allow the use of Crystal Reports in .NET using external process. Copies runner to 'CrystalReportsRunner.13.0.32.x64' in your project output folder. Requires Crystal Reports Runtime v13.0.32 (x64) to be installed in computer where your application will be deployed.
by: Muhammad Azeez and Gerardo Lijs
- 11 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.3.3
Runner to allow the use of Crystal Reports in .NET using external process. Copies runner to 'CrystalReportsRunner.13.0.34.x64' in your project output folder. Requires Crystal Reports Runtime v13.0.34 (x64) to be installed in computer where your application will be deployed.
by: Apache Software Foundation
- 12 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.1
log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located. With log4net it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4net package is designed so that log statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a high performance cost. It follows that the speed of logging (or rather not logging) is crucial.
At the same time, log output can be so voluminous that it quickly becomes overwhelming. One of the distinctive features of log4net is the notion of hierarchical loggers. Using these loggers it is possible to selectively control which log statements are output at arbitrary granularity.
log4net is designed with two distinct goals in mind: speed and flexibility
by: martinc
- 6 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.6.0
ManagedEsent provides managed access to ESENT, the embeddable
database engine native to Windows. ManagedEsent uses the esent.dll that is
part of Microsoft Windows so there are no extra unmanaged binaries to
download and install.
by: Marcus Cuda Christoph Ruegg Jurgen Van Gael
- 18 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.6.1
Math.NET Numerics, signed and thus with a strong name. We strongly discourage using this package and recommend using MathNet.Numerics instead, which is unsigned and weakly named.
by: Jimmy Bogard
- 2 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.0.0-beta-003
Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
by: neuecc
- 91 total downloads
- Latest version:
Extremely Fast MessagePack(MsgPack) Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
by: neuecc aarnott
- 172 total downloads
- Latest version: 3.1.0
Analyzers and source generator for MessagePack for C#. Verify rules for [MessagePackObject] and code fix for [Key]. A roslyn source generator for AOT or faster startup of applications that use the MessagePack nuget package.
by: JP
- 4 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.3.0
QRCode Library is a .NET component that can be used to encode and decode QRCode. QRCode is a 2 dimensional bar code that originated in Japan. Nowadays it is widely used in a wide range of industries, e.g. for vehicle parts tracking and inventory management.
QR stands for �Quick Response�. It was created by the Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994 and is aimed at decoding contents at high speed. Nowadays, QR Code is used in mobile phones to ease data entry.
QRCode can also be printed on a business card or shown on any display, which can then be captured by the mobile phone provided the mobile phone has the software to read QRCode.
QRCode Library provides functions to:
Encode content into a QR Code image which can saved in JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BITMAP formats
Decode a QR Code image
The library can be used in any .NET 3.5 Windows Application, ASP.NET web application or Windows Mobile device application.
by: Microsoft
- 7 total downloads
- Latest version: 0.17.0
This NuGet enables Interception of method calls
by: Microsoft
- 148 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.22.0
Application Insights Dependency Collector for .NET applications. This is a dependent package for Application Insights platform specific packages and provides automatic collection of dependency telemetry. Please install the platform specific packages directly for the best experience. Privacy statement:
by: Microsoft
- 140 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.22.0
Application Insights Performance Counters Collector allows you to send data collected by Performance Counters to Application Insights. Privacy statement:
by: Microsoft
- 60 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.22.0
Application Insights for .NET web applications. Privacy statement:
by: Microsoft
- 155 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.22.0
Application Insights Windows Server nuget package provides automatic collection of application insights telemetry for .NET applications. This package can be used as a dependent package for Application Insights platform specific packages or as a standalone package for .NET applications that are not covered by platform specific packages (like for .NET worker roles). Privacy statement:
- 129 total downloads
- Latest version: 2.22.0
This nuget provides a telemetry channel to Application Insights Windows Server SDK that will preserve telemetry in offline scenarios. This is a dependent package, for the best experience please install the platform specific package. Privacy statement:
by: Microsoft
- 21 total downloads
- Latest version: 1.0.0-rc1-final
ASP.NET 5 common types used by the various authentication middleware.